Friday 16 November 2012

LIGHT PROJECT: Final Picture & Experiments

My final piece. In this photo I like the fact there is a lot of contrast. I achieved this by placing a filter on the enlarger. I used a magenta filter as magenta filters increase the contrast in the image, whereas the other side of the spectrum (yellow) makes the pictures less contrasty. I like this picture because of the depth of focus; the centre point being in focus and the rest not. To achieve this I used an F stop of F1.7 at 1/125. Using an aperture such as this brings the attention to the point in focus. When enlarging my picture I tried to stay at F8. The F settings on a camera and on the enlarger are different and not to be confused, however are relatable in the sense that you achieve more light using smaller numbers on both.  F8 was a dim light and setting the enlarger for 3.5 seconds proved to capture the contrasty shadows in the image and yet still maintain the light which was causing said shadows. This was my favourite photo from my set, so I chose to play around and so more experiments with this photograph. Below are the different photos I took with different settings, trying to achieve my final picture.  I have noted the different settings I used.

Filter. I used a magenta filter for this picture, as I wanted to highlight the light in the picture and yet keep the lovely contrast which the original had. I used 3.5 intensity for the filter. However it wasn't as contrasty as I would have liked.

Almost there. When I did the bottom piece, I thought that it needed a little more contrast to help highlight the dark lines I thought that it had lost. To achieve this picture I used a higher filter setting: 5. F8 for 3 seconds. 
Experimenting with different timings starting at 1 second, being used 7 times. The far left of the photo was exposed at F8 for 7 seconds without a filter, the far right has been exposed for 1 second without a filter.

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